Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Optimal Ways of Arranging Furniture

Ever noticed how some rooms seem cozy and comfortable, whereas others have an indifferent and frosty look? Many attributes such as color and lighting contribute to a room's ambience; the way the furniture is arranged also influences the atmosphere. Whether you are refurnishing or setting up a new room, or enhancing the level of comfort in an existing one, it helps to understand, first and foremost, how to arrange furniture in a way that suits your needs and helps in creating enjoyable and comfortable spaces.

Furniture arrangement needs to start with understanding and analyzing the space of your room, how many people use the room, what is the room used for and so on. Balanced rooms are more pleasing to the eye and make more effective use of the available space.

Many people simply set up their furniture haphazardly throughout their house. This can be quite understandable; after all, furniture can be heavy and awkward to move, and many homes simply aren’t friendly to furniture arrangement. However, by taking the time to arrange your furniture creatively, you can gather many advantages. Proper furniture arrangements can help to increase your comfort, define spaces, make smaller spaces look larger and vice versa. Most often people are so overwhelmed with the potential and insecurities of furniture arrangement, they are often left wondering where to start? One way out is to hire an interior decorator who will typically set their prices based on the number of hours, square footage of the home, etc. This may work out very expensive though. By using the services of an interior designer, you receive the benefit of their expertise to help you refine your selections and avoid costly mistakes. However, hiring the right decorator with great money saving tips can definitely help.

If you know exactly what look is required for your rooms, you can decorate your home yourself. Ask yourself these questions about the room you want to redesign: what is the basic shape of the room, and what are its dimensions? What is its inherent nature? What are its problems? What are its plus points? Make a floor plan to help you visualize where to place furniture, how many pieces will fit into the room? Start with one room at a time. If you need brainwaves, check out model homes, furniture stores, decorating TV shows, furniture magazines and books, catalogs, and so on. Although it is difficult to point and say this is where this piece is to be put, some guidelines can be provided which will help you think about how you will use your space.

Choose furniture that serves the room’s purpose. Ideally, a small room should have small pieces of furniture and large rooms should have heavier ones.

Clean out the room before moving in the furniture

Carpets and rugs help bring color and interest into the room.

Visual interest can be enhanced by using “out of the ordinary” objects that could serve as décor.

By arranging your furniture in new and exciting ways, you can help to redefine your rooms and make your house a real home. As mentioned earlier arranging furniture is a huge task and there are no hard and fast rules but with the right décor tips, furniture can be suited to fit your family better.

About the Author
Lillian Esquival writes about interior design and other home improvement tips for HowToDoThings.com.

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