Woodworking seems to be one of those hobbies that if you enjoy it then you spend hours at a time at it, other than if you work at it for a living. Almost everything we do whether it is work or recreational has some type of safety factors that apply to it and woodworking has several like any venue where you are working with any type of tools. Apart from the tools, there are the environmental hazards to be concerned with and here it would be the workshop dust. You may notice that many of the newer tools that you may have purchased are paying attention to dust control as well. Although you are not going to be dust free when working with wood there is much you can about it to keep it under control.
Although there are several reasons why you would want to control the dust in your shop one of the most important is the effect it can have on your health. Going back a few years many persons that worked with wood would not wear any type of protection. Many of them suffer health wise today because of this. Some complain of respiratory or breathing problems. Nowadays to prevent this sort of problem most woodworkers will wear a respirator. There are many potential health problems that can surface from not wearing one of these and it's just not worth the risk.
Dust meaning sawdust in your work area is also a fire concern. This is one area that many don't realize or even think about. It must be remembered that the sawdust is a residue of flammable material, which is wood. When it is ignited, it burns with strength and quickly. When the air becomes so thick with this dust it only takes the slightest spark from one of your tools to create an explosion. This not a common occurrence but can occur never the less. A greater risk is the sawdust laying around being ignited by a spark.
Sawdust has a tendency to make a concrete or wood floor very slippery. This is an accident waiting to happen.
Then there are other side effects of the dust like it ending up in your finishes or getting into your tools and shortening their functionality. You may not have had your tools for any great length of time yet they are virtually ruined by the sawdust.
Aside from being astute at cleaning up the sawdust because of your health and what it does to your projects and tools there may be actual regulations in place. This most often only applies to the commercial sector. The rules are strict though and the woodworking shop industry must abide by them. It's not only for the safety of the people working there but for the purposes of a fire as well.
It only makes sense that anyone working with wood would want to take the same precautions with their health in the other areas they are exposed to besides the risk of tool injury. One must be astute and alert for any type of potential danger that exists or could exist that could be controlled.
I hope you've enjoyed this article and learnt something from it.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Henderson