It never stops surprising me how very few home owners consider the importance of house signs. We all know the importance of first impressions, yet very few of us go to the trouble of purchasing a decent house sign. I you think about it when a visitor arrives probably the first thing they will encounter would be your house sign or not as the case may be.
If you look around your local vicinity you would be amazed at the different varieties of so called signs. I live in quite an up market area the houses are priced well above the national average. The gardens are well keep and the properties in general are very well maintained. So when walking down any of my local streets your under the impression that you are amongst proud home owners.
That is until you start looking a little more closely; try a walk around the streets near you. I think you will be quite shocked when you see what people consider a house sign. It is quite astounding what can be used for a house sign, I have seen old wooden signs so worn out that they are unreadable. I have seen numbers written in felt pen as well as rusted cheap numbers nailed to the door. If you are guilty of this you really should be ashamed.
As a nation of home lovers we really ought to be taking more care. I've seen names and numbers painted directly onto concrete; surely this would actually take more effort than putting up a decent sign. Concrete is actually very difficult to paint. I noticed signs with letters or numbers missing as well as a sign made up of cardboard (not the best material). It is a wonder how The Royal Mail puts up with it, most of us shop on-line now and the delivery services must have a few choice words to say about those who think a scrawl on cardboard should pass as a house sign.
Jenny Austin is an experienced content writer for SEO Positive who has many years experience in content writing for many companies on the internet that specialise in various fields, one of them being
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